Friday, June 25, 2010


I'm Sue Jones, stepping in to make a summer blog entry. I volunteer in the IMC basement bike project area Saturdays, mostly talking to people coming in to see what they need, and doing cash register stuff, but helping with the occasional flat tire.You can be a helpful volunteer with basically no mechanical skills - I"m proof :) Being a regular volunteer also means that when things aren't busy I can grease my *own* chain.
Scrolling down, there's a LOT going on for bicycling this summer - and, of course, there's more than The Bike Project. For a little while longer, I"m president of the Prairie Cycle Club. August 14th we'll have our CU Across the Prairie ride. THis is a big ol' social ride where a hundred fifty or so riders come out to Mahomet -- this year to the HIdeaway restaurant as the starting point. Rides are 17, 35 and 65 miles -- I'm still exploring routes so those mileages are estimates (hoping to find the guy with the huge art in his yard). We'll mark the routes and have rest stops and tbe bicycle blender will be there and I've found new recipes.
Doing things from the HIdeaway means that when you're finished, you can have the kind of cool and refreshing beverage on the patio that you'd have to forego at Lake of the Woods. Hope to see you out there!

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